We were honored to host Kim Holway, 4-time qualifier for the CrossFit Games, taking 1st place in her age group in 2014 and 3rd place in 2013. Kim is also an incredibly humble person and a law enforcement officer from Virginia who began her CrossFit career in 2008 in an effort to strengthen her physical and mental performance at work. She had no idea at that time how the sport would change her life.
Kim dropped in today while on vacation so that she could re-do the 18.1 and maybe squeak out just a few more reps! Watching her was impressive — she was a machine! It didn’t look like she got tired and she took no breaks. Her transitions were quick and she just focused on the work of it. You could really feel her passion for the sport. It was truly inspiring.
She had a steady pace with an unrelenting determination: unstoppable.
2018 was Kim’s 6th year competing in the CrossFit Open, and her first year competing at the master’s level 50-54 age bracket. We are excited to keep an eye on her progress and cheer her on from here in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.
It was an inspiration to have her visit our box – a truly unforgettable day!
Read more about Kim Holway: